Thursdays | 7:00p
A Christ Centered approach to healing from our hurts, habits and hang ups
6:00pm: Homemade Meal
7:00pm Adult Large Group Meeting | Kids & Student Programming
8:00pm: Adult Open Share Small Groups | Kids & Students Programming
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Celebrate Recovery
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Recovery for the entire family
Celebration Place
The Landing
Is for kids birth-5th grade. Helping families embrace God’s amazing grace in life-changing ways, Celebration Place meets during Celebrate Recovery and comes alongside the adult program to offer the whole family recovery and healing. Each evening, kids will experience lessons through songs, friendship, videos, and games about how Jesus gives us hope to overcome life’s challenges. Celebration Place meets Thursdays at 7pm.
Is for students 6th-12th grade. It is an ongoing 52-week program – The Landing is for teenagers struggling to live their lives in a healthy, God-honoring way or that are dealing with family hurts habits and hang-ups. The Landing is a safe, healing place where teenagers can live a freer, healthier, and more God-centered life. The Landing meets Thursdays at 7pm.